Monday, July 18, 2011

Appeal to Emotion: Prescriptive and Descriptive

 Appeal to emotion means to decide on a certain subject, due to your emotions.  For example, certain diet food companies try to win people over by saying they will lose 20 pounds if they eat and drink their products.  They will also add that everyone will be attracted to you, and if your a man, women will be constantly staring at you (Vice Versa).  This will cause people to be persuaded by their emotions, and what they feel.

While reading the "Too Much Emotion" chapter, I found many different kinds of Appeal to emotions.  For example, one that I found that was pretty interesting was, appeal to emotion with a perscriptive conclusion and descriptive conclusion.  Appeal to emotion with perspective conclusion can be good or bad.  On page 194, Epstien states "Being alert to use of emotion helps clarify the kinds of premises needed in such an argument, so we can more easily analyze it"  Epstein says that a descriptive conclusion used in an appeal to emotion argument is “wishful thinking”.  An appeal to emotion with a descriptive conclusion isnt usually a good thing.  Wishful thinking is about believing someone’s description of something and we believe it because it interferes with our emotions. 


  1. While reading through your post i could tell that you were well educated on the topic. you really grasped the idea of it. One critique for this post is that you could have chosen one of the specific aspects of appeal to emotion. Such as outrage, hostility, fear, pity, or guilt. With that said i still believe your explanation of prescriptive and descriptive conclusions was sufficient enough to exceed the expectations for this post. I liked the examples used to describe appeal to emotion and how you directly quoted the book in the last paragraph to get your point across. Keep up the good work.

  2. Hey great job! I enjoyed reading your blog about appealing to emotion. You gave a great descriptive example of what you thought was most interesting in the chapter. I liked how you used diet food companies to explain what you meant by appealing to emotion. The way you explained it was completely true and they do make it so you think that you will lose weight and want to get there product. I also like how you get specific quotes from the chapter and put it into your blog to explain your reasoning.
