Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cause and Effect Exercise

I think that the exercise for casual arguments was pretty effective.  The page where it explained all about cause and effect was very helpful.  I pretty much already knew about what cause and effect meant because I did a response about it last week.  I think that cause and effect is basically common sense.  The introduction on casual arguments had a lot of good information that was useful.  It is basically pointing out different ways that cause and effect can come into play in real life situations.  For example in the example they used talks about how the bicyclist's lawyer will probably claim that the illegally parked truck caused her client to swerve into the lane of traffic.  I think that almost every situation in life has a cause and effect and that is why I believe it is important to learn about the different types.  Overall the website was effective and I really got to go deeper into the definition of cause and effect.

1 comment:

  1. Your post was really good. I thought you did an excellent job in just summarizing the main points that we there on the website. Your post definitely beats my post in clarity and precision. And most importantly, you provided the three rules that have to be followed in order for the cause and effect claims / argument to stand valid. i also liked how you mentioned the link between inductive reasoning, and the cause and effect reasoning. All in all, I really liked it.It was very clear, simple, yet descriptive, emphatic and to the point. Keep it up.
