Monday, August 8, 2011

Post 1: What I Learned

During these two summer sessions, I have learned a lot in this comm 41 class.  The goal in this class was to learn about critical thinking. Some of the things that I learned were, claims, types of arguments, and many more.  I believe that Epstein's book "Critical Thinking" is was very informative.  One thing that I noticed was it was focusing more on claims and arguments.  For example, he talked about strong vs. valid arguments.  This was good information to know because we use this in everyday life.  We always find ourselves in an argument, but you usually never win the argument unless it is a strong one.  We also use claims in everyday life, because someone is also trying to persuade you.  For instance certain companies try to convince their audience to buy their product.  Overall, I learned alot from this class, and I will use what I learned in real life situations.  


  1. Hey Seanlinton2, I enjoyed reading your post. I was able to learn a lot in this course as well. It certainly gave me exposure to material I had not seen before. In completing this course I now feel I have a great understanding of many of the topics discussed and grasp some of the things you mentioned such as claims. Also, you make a very good point on the importance of critical thinking. We often are involved in arguments everyday and critical thinking is able to help improve our arguments. I think I will be able to apply the things I learned in this class to many real life situations.

  2. Dear Mr. Linton,

    I completely agree with the majority of your post. Claims and arguments did seem to be the main chunk on information we were receiving. I said almost the exact same thing about it all being good information because we use it in everyday life! Before this class a lot of us didn’t really know how to put together a strong argument but now that we do, we should be winning more and more arguments every day! I’ve enjoyed reading all your posts throughout the course and I am kind of sad to see it come to an end. Take care and good luck!

    -Melvin Banner
