Monday, August 8, 2011

One Concept

One concept I feel that I can use in a discussion was the chapter about "Valid vs. Strong arguments". A valid argument is always completley true.  With valid arguments there is never a false conclusion about the subject.  On the other hand, a strong argument can be proven false with clear evidence.  An example of a valid argument would be "In the game of Basketball, there should always 5 players on the court for each team"  This is a valid argument because there are always 5 players on the court for each team.  This cannot be argued because it is a valid fact.  An example of a strong argument would be saying "All students who graduate high school, should go to college"  Although this is a strong argument, not all students go to college.  There may be a financial issue or they just might not feel like pursuing the next level of education.  Basically, a valid argument is always 100% true, and a strong argument may be true, but it can be proven false.  


  1. I strongly agree with your post and that subject could have definitely been more explanatory. You did a good job of helping to further the explanation of valid vs. strong arguments in your post. Your basketball and school examples proved to be quite helpful for me especially to comprehend. You have done a great job over the summer with your posts I really enjoyed reading all of them. Your personal examples in most of your posts I could really relate to in some way. Keep up the good work with all the other classes you take in college. I know you will.

  2. I liked your post but i think that this subject was kind of well understood. I thought that the fallacies could use more explaining because there were so many and we only got a little bit on each one. The fallacies are used quite often in classes and in the real world. You did a good job though pointing out why you thought we should look at the Strong vs valid arguments harder and I did see your point of view as well as my own. You did a good job being specific about the subject with your example on basketball and its number of players. I enjoyed your posting!
    Big Cat

  3. Dear seanlinton2,
    I really like your post on what you would have liked to see further discussed. I agree with you that strong vs. valid arguments were fairly important in what we have learned during this class. You provided good examples of valid and strong arguments and I think that your examples show everyday arguments that show the importance of being able to analyze an argument as valid or strong. It is very important that people are able to tell the difference between strong and valid and you put it in an understandable form that everyone can think about when unsure of the arguments validity. Nice job in the class! :)
